We’ve had 15 wonderful years of A Wanderful Life, but now it’s time for some changes.
This site has been significantly trimmed down this week and over 400 posts were removed. What remains are a few posts from the last 5 years, and an occasional beauty shot from earlier years. I’ve kept the still-relevant photo essays from Scandinavia, all done just before the pandemic created chaos. And there’s one post from the year 2000 when we came zooming back to France, quickly purchased a house to renovate, and Mark spent that year gutting a 200-plus-years-old village house in Brittany, turning it into our safe haven.
Photo essay sites are not popular the way they were when I set up this site in 2009. The world has moved on and video formats are what audiences want now.
We too are about to transition into video — with a new name and new links. I’ll be on a steep learning curve as I learn video editing, overlaying tracks of music, and the lengthy steps to getting it all online in a harmonious way.
Thank you for the years that you’ve been with us, and (fingers crossed!) I’ll be sharing our NEW SITE within the next few weeks.
Bye for now!