Tag Archives: World War 2

16 Years And Counting in St. Lo

It was a gray and gloomy day — and it wasn’t exactly the usual way to spend a 16th wedding anniversary. But it seemed just right by our standards.

We began our day at the Prefecture in St. Lo to get the last of the paperwork done for registering our van in France. This has all been quite a complicated process requiring visits to rather a lot of government offices, but that’s a post for another day. We spent about 45 minutes waiting for our number to be called and then we were back out on the street about 10 minutes later.

Prefecture in St. Lo where we went to register our van

St. Lo is one of the many towns or villages that was almost entirely destroyed by bombs during World War II, so very few of the buildings in the town appear to be of any real age. Planted right in the middle of the municipal parking lot is a particularly ugly (in my personal opinion!) viewing tower that can be climbed for a view over the town.

Observation tower in the central parking lot in St. Lo, Normandy, France

The center part of the town is almost completely comprised of squarish or rectangular concrete buildings that are rather devoid of charm. Fortunately there are still some buildings with a bit of extra ornamentation.

Government office building in St. Lo, Normandy, France

According to the Wikipedia entry for St. Lo, the Notre Dame church seen in the photo below was one of the only buildings left standing after the Allied bombing.

Notre Dame church in St. Lo, Normandy, France

The old tower in the fortified wall is another survivor.

Tower in the ancient fortified wall of St. Lo, Normandy, France

And the remnants of this bombed out building facade have been rededicated as a memorial for the Jews in the area who were persecuted or killed.

Memorial to the local population of persecuted or killed Jews in St. Lo, Normandy, France

We had a lovely plat du jour luncheon of salmon lasagna, salad, wine, and expresso and then walked through the town for awhile.

Mark enjoying a plat du jour luncheon in St. Lo, Normandy, France

It’s been a strange experience to live in a place that has seen so much military action. And as we walk through each reconstructed town, it’s hard to imagine that places like St. Lo and Villers Bocage were 99% flattened by the aerial bombing.

Mark looking at the architecture of St. Lo, Normandy, France

Below are some random photos from our day out. Come back soon for more visits to World War II locations here in Normandy.

Brocante Collections poster for a vintage goods show in St. Lo, Normandy, France


Poster for a lecture on the natural beauty of New Zealand in a window in St. Lo, Normandy, France


Distance signs to various global locations in St. Lo, Normandy, France


©Deborah Harmes and ©A Wanderful Life
Please respect the words and images on this page.
All rights reserved.

Marketing World War 2 Militaria

Pick up any decent travel guide to Normandy, France and you will soon learn what a heartbreaking spot this has been in the not too distant past. So it has been an interesting experience to handle, photograph, and list World War II items as I am sitting comfortably in a gite (cottage) in Normandy. I am residing in a spot of great historical significance since all around me are places that endured some of the most destructive and prolonged fighting during that war.

One of the services that I offer to our clients as we travel is to act as the marketing agent for goods that they might wish to purge from their home or business. Have a peek at some of the military memorabilia I’ve been listing.

Marketing military memorabilia from our gite in Normandy

There’s a bit of everything and rather a lot of date-stamped khaki coloured bags that were taken by the British military into battle.

1942 date stamped World War II khaki webbing bag from the British military

This is certainly one assignment that I won’t soon forget.


©Deborah Harmes and ©A Wanderful Life
Please respect the words and images on this page.
All rights reserved.

A Lingering Vibe of Sadness in Eastern Germany

It caught me by surprise — that lingering sense of sadness, hopelessness, and anguish. But I was too busy trying to catch up on editing photos to focus on tuning into the first wave of the vibe. I certainly hadn’t intended to know the history of that place since all I thought we were doing was ‘parking’ ourselves for a week after our wonderful month in Berlin. But it happened nonetheless, washed over me, and it has taken me months to feel like writing about it.

Ferienpark Dresden main building with self-contained apartments upstairs

The biergarten (beer garden & exterior dining area) at Ferienpark Dresden

We had been enjoying our time in a self-contained apartment in the small town of Ortrand outside of Dresden. We were at the Ferienpark Dresden campground with holiday apartments that were surrounded by thick forests on one side and flat farmland stocked with dairy cattle on the other side. We could cook for ourselves or eat in the charming little restaurant downstairs. And the biergarten served such yummy dark German beer! The setting was lovely, all was well, and there was no reason for my psychic senses to go all twitchy.

But as we took a long walk one afternoon to put some movement into my laptop-obsessed-and-inactive-body, I spontaneously blurted out to Mark as we walked, “I wouldn’t want to ask any of the local people about what went on here during World War II.” Mark was accustomed to this sort of out-of-the-blue sensing from me, so he just looked at me and didn’t query my reactions as I continued to talk.

“I get the oddest vibe here — as if there was a concentration camp or a work camp or something even more dire related to the Nazis. It’s hanging around in the atmosphere all of these years later. And it would make the current occupants uncomfortable about what their parents and grandparents might have been up to 70 years ago. I’d never want to make any of these nice people feel ill at ease.”

Every single person that we had met thus far had been completely charming and both common sense and common courtesy meant that I knew that the German people were quite sensitive and aware of what an aberration those 1930s and 1940s years were under the Nazi regime. I read the English translation of the German newspaper online and I knew that both the government and the general populace were determined to never have a return to that kind of chaotic violence. But it was a hurtful period to reflect on for many of them, so I wanted to practice the utmost courtesy and simply not ask.

We had stopped to stare at a waterway and the cows in the field as we continued on into the town. Then I told Mark that I was going to do a web search when we got back to the apartment. I knew that we were in an area that had been in East Germany until the reunification in the late 1980s, but it didn’t feel like a Communist time period vibe — it felt like a 1940s vibe.

On we walked into the spotlessly clean and orderly Ortrand, looking around slowly, and we began to spot things that we had never seen when we had arrived three days earlier from the other direction and gone straight into the campground complex. Watch towers — we saw watch towers looming over two different places. And then we walked by the fences, fences that were quite a lot taller than I am, fences that spanned both sides of one of the roads on the outskirts — and my entire stomach just went all icky.


Fences with a lingering 'vibe' in Ortrand near Dresden in eastern Germany


“Why are those fences shaped like that?” I asked Mark. And he told me that they were bent at the top to keep things in, not keep intruders out. I didn’t have a camera with me and we had to return there a few days later as we were departing, but I thought I would share what we saw and what I discovered.

There were large concrete tanks and platforms and crumbling buildings behind those fences and I was just preparing to photograph those when the hair on the back of my neck began to stand up. I turned to see a man who appeared to be in his early to mid-90s who was absolutely glaring at me with an extremely hostile expression when he spotted my camera. We departed quickly.

Ortrand had been the site of a work camp — one of the “Arbeitskommandos (Work Camps) supplied from Stalag IV-D” in Torgau according to the website run by a man named Graham Johnson. His extensive research was done to honour the memory of his father who was a prisoner in one of these camps. If you scroll down that extensive list, you will find that Ortrand used British servicemen from Stalag IV-D to make cement for the German army. That certainly explained all of those moldering buildings behind the fencing which were grown over and only partially visible.

This Iron Cross and Eagle monument, pictured below, stands in the middle of a traffic round-about in front of the train station which is currently full of workmen and undergoing renovation. So yes, the past is still visible in several places around the village.


Iron Cross and Eagle on monument in front of train station under restoration


This is Ortrand today — a very peaceful, pretty, and tidy village full of pastel coloured buildings. Any feelings of discomfort that I may have had several days previously were dispelled by an afternoon of walking around, taking photographs, eating ice cream, and drinking a wonderfully strong expresso at a local cafe.


The main square in Ortrand near Dresden in eastern Germany


Pastel buildings in Ortrand near Dresden in eastern Germany


View down Bahnhoffstrasse from train station towards the village


Barista in Ortrand making a splendid expresso!


I am quite aware that most people aren’t as sensitive to lingering historical vibrations as I am, but it was an episode that I felt was worth sharing.

©Deborah Harmes and ©A Wanderful Life
Please respect the words and images on this page.
All rights reserved.

Remembering The Valiant in Normandy, France

Normandy in Northern France — site of some of the bloodiest battles of World War II including the D-Day Landings. To this day the local population still honours those lost young men and also the lucky ones that returned home.

One of the most ferocious campaigns took place in a French town called Mortain and the Germans called this offensive campaign Operation Lüttich. We are currently living a mere 12 kilometres from there.

Last week was the anniversary of the D-Day Landings by the Allied forces. The poignant painting below, surrounded by genuine artifacts of the war, was seen in the window of a local gallery on the main street of the now peaceful Mortain.

Remembering the valiant military and civilian forces who defended France in World War II


©Deborah Harmes and ©A Wanderful Life
Please respect the words and images on this page.
All rights reserved.

Berlin – The Eerie and Artistic Kunsthaus Tacheles

“What was this place? It has such presence that it had to have been something special — something significant. Do you know what it was in the past?” I looked up at Stefan as we walked through the arched opening and into an area that had flea-market type stalls set up. But my friend from Berlin didn’t know anything about it other than the current incarnation as a rather shabby-looking artists’ collective.

Banner on iron fencing advertising metal sculptures inside Kunsthaus Tacheles

Stalls beneath the arched entry of Kunsthaus Tacheles in Berlin

Looming overhead were statues atop tall columns, headless statues with workmanship that told of days long gone when the building and the arched entry had been something splendid.

Headless sculpture at Kunsthaus Tacheles in Berlin

My body was distinctly ill at ease as we walked through the adjacent shop that sold the paintings of several artists belonging to the collective. I internally acknowledged that sharpness as I examined various works of art.

Exterior of Kunsthaus Tacheles

The atmosphere was heavy with some sort of prickly energy and questions lingered in my brain for hours after we had returned to the car and driven away. So I went in search of information about the Kunsthaus Tacheles on Oranienburger Strasse and I was quite stunned with what I discovered.

The official Kunsthaus Tacheles website has an English-language entry with a bit of information about the history halfway down the page.

But a far darker set of revelations are detailed at the Wikipedia entry for Kunsthaus Tacheles.

From the early days as a department store, it had changed hands several times until it became a Nazi prison and SS Headquarters during World War II — and that lingering residue in the atmosphere would certainly account for the uncomfortable energy that I felt. The chaotic appearance of the entire structure would put off quite a lot of people and a shallow interpretation of the energy that I was feeling prior to doing this research might have people thinking that it was just the state of decay and general level of mess that made me uneasy. No — it was far more palpable and deep than that. And yes, I can understand from a public relations perspective why the ‘official’ website skims over the events of the Nazi occupation.

I was not allowed to take pictures inside due to the many signs stating that no photos were allowed. So I’ve had to limit the shots in this post to the ones that I could safely take in the arched entryway and the exterior views. I do understand the restrictions on photography since the one artists’ shopfront that we entered had some splendid paintings — and every artist, myself included, wants to protect their artistic or intellectual rights to their work.

There have been attempts to raze the structure to the ground for several decades and apparently the artists within feel that this danger still exists. They are handing out flyers inside asking people to please support their cause. The white mural below is painted on the left side of the building as a sign of protest.

"How long is now" banner at Kunsthaus Tacheles

Next to the white mural is the 3-D roach sign which translates (according to the German-to-English Google translate site — so please forgive me if it isn’t completely correct!) as “Before the wall, after the wall, sent the State the bugs.” I think we can all get the gist of that!

Roach as political statement on Kunsthaus Tacheles

An article in the British press in January 2011 titled “East Berlin fights back against the yuppy invaders” details this struggle. The real estate development potential of the site may hold more power with the Berlin government than the thought of losing another historic landmark.

The sensible little ‘serial house renovator’ in me thinks that obtaining a grant, based on the historic preservation aspects of the building, to at least spruce up the exterior of the building could perhaps sooth the fretfulness of those in the neighbourhood who think that the bomb-site appearance is no longer in keeping with the rest of the street. But then again, the artists who use that space might like the chaotic-creative-frenetic vibe and wish to keep it just as it is without ‘prettying it up.”

There is still a lingering question for me and it is one that my personal curiosity, and the world, may never have an answer to. Why was the sub-basement of that building flooded by the Nazis? What was down there that they didn’t want uncovered?

If the building does get torn down, I rather doubt that any property developer would allow that information about the contents of the flooded sub-basement to be released. But it will nag at me on occasion — it truly will.

Mysteries — mysteries. Perhaps after all of this time, it is best not to know.

©Deborah Harmes and ©A Wanderful Life
Please respect the text and photos on this page.
All rights reserved.

Bullet Holes Remember Berlin’s Past

The signal sent to my consciousness was a slight prickling of the skin at the back of my neck as the baby-fine hairs raised and brushed against my silk scarf. “We’re walking around in history. Can you feel it?”

“Yes,” Mark answered — “and those are bullet holes all over that building!”

A sunny Sunday in Berlin — Easter Sunday in fact — and there were throngs of people in the public squares. But the side streets were quiet and I was able to take quite a lot of photos without being jostled by crowds.

The buildings around us were a mix of old and new and some of them still retained their stunning late-19th or early-20th century facades. Although I am a huge fan of modernism and contemporary architecture, these handsome structures made me wish that all new construction still had such attention paid to the small details and bits of ornamentation.

On either side of that visually arresting entry were the bullet holes — intentionally left unrepaired so memories of the tumultuous past of this city do not entirely fade.

Architectural detail of classical head over entry of building from early 1900s

Architectural detail of classical head over entry of building from early 1900s


World War II bullet holes in stone building

World War II bullet holes in stone building


Bullet holes in stone building

Bullet holes in stone building

Further down the street, we had a chance to have a laugh and then do a double-take. Here’s why.

Four weeks ago we were in London and we passed by the short street leading to 10 Downing Street where the British Prime Minister resides. The amount of security personnel and high tech security gear all around that area was rather interesting to see. Apparently, much like the President of the USA, both heads of state believe that they are in a constant state of threat.

Now contrast that with the pictures of the residence below. And this is where the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel lives. Not only are there only two guards out front, but there is a man with two red shopping bags having a casual conversation with the guards while a young dark-haired woman sits on the edge of the sidewalk. You can even see the cones and bit of construction items including a site caravan from the ongoing construction all up and down that street. There are no high tech gates or fences or any such ‘necessary’ items of security outside. Even the windows are quite open to the front of the very accessible street. She may live quite high up in the building and the inside may be fortified, but the very fact that she lives on a normal street instead of behind locked gates shows an amazing sense of trust. And I find all of that quite refreshing!

Apparently low-tech security at Chancellor Merkel's house

Come back soon for another post from beautiful and fascinating Berlin!

©Deborah Harmes and ©A Wanderful Life
Please respect the text and images on this page.
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